Moan for the day – BBC Interlude ‘Adverts”

How annoying are they? I mean, what’s with people walking into the sea and then stopping to pose for a photo. Or birdwatchers standing in the reeds?

I, like many I’m sure, thought that the BBC didn’t do adverts. But surely these are just as bad as an advert? They’re not actually advertising anything, but they appear too often, don’t change regularly enough and are certainly just as annoying.

Although the £147 TV Licence covers all TV channels since 1 September 2016, it is used to fund everything the BBC produces. And I for one would rather the money wasn’t wasted on ‘stupid’ people standing around gawping at a camera.

What do you think?

Moan for the day…..Parenting

Argh! How frustrating is it to be in the same vicinity as a moaning (careful!) child who can’t get their own way?

I was in a charity shop this morning (what me? how common) when a family of 3 came in to browse. The little girl was about 6/7. She had noticed a pair of summer wedges and was determined she was going to have them. She tried them on, took them off, then promptly handed them to her mum and said; “they fit me, I want them”. Her mum took the shoes off her daughter and told her she was ‘just worried they would cause a blister’.

For some reason, the ‘little girl’ (said through gritted teeth) began to moan, and whine, and scream, and pretend cry – we all know that one girls don’t we? – because she wanted the shoes and her mother wasn’t giving her any indication as to whether she was going to buy them for her or not. The mother certainly kept them in her hand with other potential purchases. All the time I’m thinking ‘if you are going to buy the girl the shoes why don’t you actually get her to put them on so you can see whether they fit her or not and whether there is the possibility of them causing blisters – not take a 6 year olds word for it’. In response to the whining child, the mother and ‘father’ walked around the shop expressing every now and again “oh …… what are you doing?” or “you’re making a silly noise darling” taking no real effort to deal with her.

Why, because they did buy the little brat the shoes, did the mother not say she was going to get the shoes? This would’ve stopped all the pathetic attempts to cry etc. It’s not difficult, it’s call PARENTING. If she hadn’t planned to buy them she just needed to be firm and tell her “no, they don’t fit properly and they will hurt you. If you continue to moan I will put these things back too and you will leave the shop with nothing”.

You are their parent, you are not their friend. Your job as a parent is to teach them life skills, and one of them is that you can’t have everything you want. Whether it’s because they don’t fit etc., or you just can’t afford it/them etc.

I don’t believe in telling kids “No” without explaining to them why. If you give them the reason why they can work that through in their head. Just “no” leaves it too open for them. And for goodness sake, don’t give into constant pressure like “please, please, please……”. You are not teaching them anything, except, they can get their own way if they persist.

As my daughter used to say when her friends would tell her to ‘ask your mum again’ she would say; “When my mum says ‘No’ she means ‘No’. If she says ‘Maybe or I’ll think about it’, she’ll get back to me in her own time with her answer, and if she says ‘Yes’ it means just that”. They couldn’t understand this. They would say “oh, we just keep going on and on at them/her and they/she gives in eventually”. Yeah! Of course, that’s good parenting – NOT!




My moan for the day – Leave it untucked!

How annoying is it that a duvet is tucked in when you stay at a hotel?

You might like yours tucked in – keeping you all snug – and I would love to hear from you if you do, but I hate it. The first thing my husband and I do is pull the duvet out from the mattress. However, doing this also shows that the sheet isn’t long and/or wide enough to fit the mattress itself. Seriously, why not? Have they replaced the mattress which is now deeper, but not the sheets? I can’t see any other explanation for this. And why don’t they use fitted sheets? Surely this would stop me being attacked by the thing during the night.

I believe sheets should be tucked in, and duvets laid loosely across the bed. What do you think?

My moan of the day – Hold your lane!

People that don’t hold their lane on a roundabout are extremely annoying.

I  was on my final road back home from a long day of driving tonight (with lots of stops I might add), when a young female driver decided that her lane just wasn’t wide enough for her little, and I mean little, red car. We both joined the roundabout at Fontwell at roughly the same time. Me in the right lane, her in the left. Both lanes took you down the A27 towards Chichester. Being in the right lane I had to drive tight around the roundabout, whereas she had the whole of the outside of the roundabout to travel. But no, she thought better of it and decided to drive straight towards the middle of the roundabout….yep! straight towards me. Thankfully I was quick to back off but I held nothing back when I pressed the horn.

Why can’t some people hold their lane on a roundabout? It’s called a ’round’about for a reason….it’s ROUND! You are supposed to drive on a curve, not straight. You must understand that? After all, you’ve also driven down a ‘straight’ road to get to the roundabout in the first place.

So please, think about your road position next time you are on a roundabout. It’s not fair that if you cause an accident on the roundabout through inconsiderate driving, that the other driver is usually found to be equally to blame.

My moan for the day – Ring the Goddam buzzer!

Queues! I mean seriously! You stand in a queue behind people with a basket full of stuff, or two in my case, and the cashier attends both of those people before deciding to ring the bell to get assistance. It was my go next fgs! How did I get through the queue any quicker by you ringing the bell? I was only buying a loaf of bread. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do in a local convenience store? Not £30 worth.

So please, cashier, if you see more than two people in the queue, quickly gauge their purchases and RING THE GODDAM BUZZER earlier!

An update to this post. We’ve recently had an Aldi open nearby. When the queues start to build a tannoy automatically goes out to tell customers that a new till is opening. This in turn alerts staff that someone needs to go on to the cashdesk. If Aldi can have this technology why can’t others?


My moan for the day – Food but not as we know it

Cold food…and I don’t mean salads!

As a special treat today, hubby and I decided to go to our Wetherspoons in town for breakfast. We both decided on the fry up, cos let’s face it, it’s a lot less hassle than cooking it at home. Well what a mistaka to maka.

My fried egg was cold, burnt on the bottom, and to cap it all, not runny! Who doesn’t like a runny egg? So to was the bacon, beans, tiny half of a tomato, and toast. Thankfully the sausage wasn’t – but then I’m not keen on sausages so hubby tends to eat most of it. Oh, but the plate wasn’t cold….like that helped!

The egg was replaced with a slightly better one after I moaned (I know, shocker, me moaning) by one member of staff. When another appeared and asked if everything was ok my hubby did his usual “yes, lovely, thank you” (finger down the throat) but guess what I said? You go it! She offered to put it in the microwave – bless her!

So, if you’re thinking about going to Spoons for brekkie, don’t. We’ll certainly be trying somewhere else in future.